Sunday, 17 February 2013

World Wide Wet

So living in London (UK in general) is great. Undoubtedly.
- home to many a dance music pioneer and respected DJ
- the best dance music radio station (BBC Radio 1 that is) tick to the clock of this time zone
- the clubbing experience is unparalleled 
- even Ibiza was in large part a brain child of DJs and promoters of this country

If only festivals on these islands weren't washed away by rain year after year.....

We found a solution: Hungary, where people get wet differently!
This country has not started any musical revolutions. Nor does it have radio shows with international following. Let's face it some of you reading this will have never been to Hungary and may even have some difficulty pointing it out on a map. So why Hungary? Can it offer anything we haven't seen? YES! There are two things that are great: Summer music festivals as well as thermal baths, open air public pools and water theme parks.
Check out for example
- Sziget festival in Budapest (one of the largest in Europe)
- Balaton Sound (an electronic dance music festival along the shore of the largest lake in Central Europe)
- One of many water theme parks next to the Formula 1 race track just outside Budapest.

I have taken friends from UK there and let's just say they weren't disappointed (what happens in Hungary stays in Hungary :-))

Some people had the great idea about 15 years ago to marry these two things up and started holding club nights in thermal baths. Truly an experience to add to your life. Poor citizens of the rest of the world who do not have access to such parties. Here is a taste of what a party like this can be like: (click on the video)

We are not a travel agency. We don't just want you to visit Budapest to inject your money into the local tourism industry. Instead, we at Become a DJ have formed a partnership with the organizers of these parties. According to this partnership they will accept DJs that we promote to them. If you are interested in playing at one of these pool parties in Budapest let us know! The rules are  simple but important so we kindly ask you that you ensure that you meet all requirements:
 - You must have done a course at Become a DJ
 - This cannot be your first gig!!! Get a few gigs under your belt before you step up
 - Have a mix we could send to event organizers to showcase your skill
 - A one page bio with a picture 
 - This is not an underground party! While no specific genre is frowned upon think about entertaining a large international crowd
 - In the beginning we will arrange for 1 person to go per month
 - Visit our Facebook page to show your interest

 - But if you are not the first one to go don't panic!!!! We will regularly announce this opportunity on our facebook page so watch that space!

Written by Swim the Shine